I suck at Girls

This is the second book I have read by this author. I unfortunately did not like this book as much as I liked the first book. The first book I read by the author was amazing. I laughed so much so when I seen this book at my used book store I jumped at the chance to buy it. I felt like the author used the success of his first book to try to sell this book as similar. The tones in the book were completely different. He was telling about his life leading up to meeting his wife, Amanda and at times I laughed out loud at the situations he got himself into but other times I felt the story dragging.
The story as a whole was interesting but it felt like he whined a little too much about how he was not good at getting girls and how he went to school and moved to LA just like everyone else in his field and he was unable to find a job. The book felt like it forced humor at times. My favorite parts of the books where when his dad gives him advise and tells him how it is straight up. At times he did not appreciate the advise but I always agreed with what he was telling him.
I think I would read more by this author because I do enjoy the stories he tells but I would not rush out to buy his books.